Monday, January 31, 2011

Scrap paper, sticky glue, tons of food, and two boxes later...

I've fallen so behind on my blog this past week. My deepest apologies to all my followers. I've been working every evening on finishing two projects I'm sending off to Chris tomorrow. And piling all the food I got for him, extra random items, and his Valentines Day gifts....2 boxes later, I'm ready!! 
 My days are consumed with taking care of Sarabeth, so nights are the only time I have to work on anything that doesn't revolve around her. Her sleep schedule has changed this past week, so I've been working on trying new schedules to try and get back on track. It's been rough to say the least. I think it's because her top teeth are trying to work their way out. Not to mention she has figured out she can pull herself up on any and every piece of furniture, walk along it, etc. However, she is afraid to sit down once she's up, so I frequently have to rescue her from her frightened screams when she has decided she doesn't want to stand any longer. It's been crazy around here. I'm not looking forward to her walking! haha. I know that's terrible to say, but she's already into so much as it is!!

She's definitely starting to talk. It's amazing how things can change in just a weeks time. Her favorite word has been "mama" but she has added "dada" to her vocabulary now as well. Her daddy will be so happy when he finds out. Bella (our puppy) is still the only word she says that she actually comprehends-all the dogs in the house are Bella to her!!

Anyways, I have managed to take some pictures. Mostly of her. I have pictures of the project I hand made for my husband, but I will wait to post them until he gets it. I don't want to spoil the surprise!!

I hope you're all doing wonderful! 

HaHa. SB with Grams and Shelby Blue in the background<3
 Messy eater!
 Look at those big beautiful blue eyes!
 Apparently she's already worried about her weight! haha
 I thought this was too cute. Look at that little booty! This is the first time she's worn her robe.
 What a cute little frog<3
 Bella Sue decided to put herself in the corner and take a nap.

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