Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rockabye baby

It's a yucky rainy day. Makes me want to stay in bed, cuddled up under the covers. 
Sarabeth woke up a little earlier than usual this morning, and to my surprise, she was standing in her crib waiting for me to come pick her up. It's time to drop the mattress! 

So, with waking early, she was ready for a nap in no time. However, with having discovered she can now stand on her own in the crib, just laying her down wasn't an option. She's always enjoyed being rocked to sleep, especially by her daddy. I miss watching him rock her to sleep! (I'm going to post an old picture of him doing so). I do not want to get into a habit of rocking her every time I want to put her down. My mom did that with me and had to continue to do so until I was over the age of 2 or I wouldn't go to sleep. I just don't want to put myself through that. But, I do want to cherish her being little and being able to hold her in my arms, while she looks so sweet an innocent, and put her to bed. It's a mommy's pleasure :) 

So today, I took a few pictures of her rocking chair. They didn't really turn out how I wanted them. I'm not quite sure if I need a "How to work your camera for Dummies" book, or if my camera is just not the right type for the things I want it to do. I've played and played with the settings to get a grasp on it, but it's driving me crazy. I'll figure it out sometime though, I'm sure.

One of my all time favorites of them. It's an odd position, but she always loved for daddy to rock her like this!

And here are mine from today....


  1. so sweet, my son is 2 and he don't like nap time either, if he could be rocked, he would be! so i can't blame on that one. interesting pics of the rocker, maybe try to take a pic of just one part of it and not the whole rocker. :)

  2. This is so precious! Great pics of the chair to!

  3. Love the first picture! It is times like these that make us appreciate what we have and to be able to caputre such moments and have a visual memory is a blessing. All of your pictures are wonderful!

  4. Thank you for the advice Lenay. I am not very happy with my camera right now. lol. I just need to give in and buy a new one that I can experiment with! I

    Thank you everyone else :)
