Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teething Remedies

Today I'm in just a "blah" mood. My poor baby girl was up at 2 am this morning, then up at 8. Cranky little thing. I feel so bad for her with this teething. I surely wish there were more I could do. The second tooth is almost all the way through, so hopefully that will make things better!!
I took a picture of the items that have been my best friend in helping to relieve her pain.
(The picture is not my best. I had to use my phone until I get some batteries for my camera. )
I'm considering getting a new camera, that does more and I can learn more about photography with. Anyone have any suggestions??


  1. love this, and its so true. orajel was our savior and still is for teething!

  2. This is really sums up a childs teething process...great photo!

  3. great pic! & thanks for the tips, i am not looking forward to teething with my baby girl. she is so much more high maintenance than my son! I would suggest Nikon for a new camera, and if you are really into photography, get one that you can take the lenses off & change them b/c there are a lot of diff ones and they can really make your pics better! best wishes with everything!

  4. Thanks for the comments everyone :) I'm right there with you Lenay! My little one is very high maintenance, dramatic, and full of attitude!

    Thank you for the advice on the camera! I'm definitely going to look into it!

  5. I have a Cannon Rebel t1i and I love it! I highly recommend Cannon.
