Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Ahhh, I've fallen so behind.
Life has been so hectic lately.
My dog had to have surgery, and of course she's a huge drama queen so she needed constant attention and was unable to be left alone.
My daughter is teething and is nothing short of a monster somedays.
I've had some health issues I'm trying to deal with.
Missing my husband terribly through everything that's going on.
Needless to say, I've been under some stress.
I'm sorry I've neglected the challenge.

I'm actually really considering a new camera and taking some photography courses. I've looked into some Online Photography Schools, but I really have no idea what I'm looking for because I'm a total amateur when it comes to the subject. I think I might take a simple course through the local community college and then go from there.
Any recommendations on a camera? I've been looking at the Nikon D40 and the Nikon D3000. They seem to be pretty similar, with the latter having a few more options. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
In the mean time, here a few pictures I have taken during my hiatus.  :)
I hope everyone is doing well!!!

 My friend Caitlin with SB

 An old man down the street makes birdhouses and I had this one special made for our front porch when Chris returns.

 This is a sign I made. :) I think it turned out pretty great!!

 My silly girl

 She fell down and wasn't happy about it! lol

 Spaghetti and an orange lolly pop=a VERY messy baby!!!

 My poor Bella in her cone and diaper after surgery :(

 Loves swinging!

Her infamous "OHHHH" face :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your army sends us sign! I've been wanting of those myself! & that pic of SB below it is super cute! well she is always cute! I think i would suggest getting a camera above the D40, I started out with that and its a good camera to learn on, Don't go for the D90 it is phasing out! Oh and Idk what is above the 40, but i would suggest going to Ritz camera *Raleigh. Oh and I use my prime lens most of the time. Prime meaning you zoom in and out with your body not moving the lens and it gives you that great blur in the back everyone loves! So I would suggest on of those ;) Check it on amazon!
